
My name is Cătălin Teniță, Member of the Romanian Parliament, 2020-2024 parliamentary term, elected in Bucharest constituency.

Since September 1st, I have joined my colleagues who founded REPER Party.

I got into politics from entrepreneurship and from the civil society and I am responsible to all those who gave us their vote.

News and Press Releases

If you resonate with what I do as an MP, feel free to contact me.

Cătălin Teniță: „Ordonanța cloudului guvernamental favorizează băieții deștepți abonați la contracte cu statul și băieții care vor să tragă cu ochiul la datele personale ale tuturor cetățenilor”

Cătălin Teniță: „Ordonanța cloudului guvernamental

Bucharest, February 10 2023: The Government has issued Emergency Ordinance 89/2022 on government cloud services in 2022,

Contracepția în România, în declin: stăm mai rău decât acum șase ani, indică Atlasul European privind Mijloacele de Contracepție 2023

Contracepția în România, în declin:

Romania is among the European countries where women's access to contraception, abortion and health services

Raportul meu de activitate în Parlamentul României, sesiunea de toamnă 2022

Raportul meu de activitate în

Dear people who voted for me, Dear people who pay my salary from your taxes, It is very easy to justify

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Since September 1st, I have joined my colleagues who founded REPER Party.

I have spoken about my departure in a letter my to colleagues in USR.

I believe that my current responsibility is to bring together people who understand that we are in the middle of our way to an upgraded Romania and that we cannot stand aside.

That is why I will seek to join them in building a reform movement for Romania.

It's not a drop-out. I join our colleagues who must be represented and whose energies must be used in politics, colleagues who are now building REPER Party.

I remain open to USR projects and am always available for consultations and questions in the parliamentary cabinet. I believe in open parties, where those who share common visions discuss and work together in an open and efficient way.

Join me, join us! Let's work together for 2024 and beyond to cross the threshold of hope together, through hard work!


My name is Cătălin Teniță, member of the Romanian Parliament, 2020-2024 legislature, elected in the Bucharest constituency on the USR PLUS lists.

Since September 1st, I have joined my colleagues who founded REPER Party.

I got into politics from entrepreneurship and the civil society. I feel responsible for the people who gave us their vote and who now doubt that we did everything right for their vote.

Este momentul să arătăm că îl merităm. Pentru că fiecare luminiță din imagine reprezintă un om care și-a pus speranța în noi!


Thank you for your trust!

I got into Romanian politics with the idea of transforming it into something that can truly deliver the solutions Romania needs.

What I achieved

I have tabled a significant number of legislative projects and debates on important issues for Romania since the beginning of my mandate.

Some of the projects have resulted in enacted laws, now in force, and other legislative initiatives are under consideration by Parliament. There are also projects in the pipeline, in the process of being tabled, and various working groups extended in collaboration with local authorities.

My themes: inclusive education and school feeding, blocking over-taxation of small entrepreneurs and vulnerable groups such as part-time employees, culture and heritage, combating the risk of human trafficking and exploitation among refugees, energy security in a European context and reducing economic dependence on autocracies, measures to protect minors and exclude child abusers from local and national elections, sexual and reproductive rights.

Avem foarte mult de muncă și mare nevoie de oameni. I invite you to join me in taking these projects forward together!

Business Card

Parliamentary work in committees

In the Chamber of Deputies, I fulfil several roles:

Laws and amendments initiated
Laws enacted
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Meetings with civil society

The areas that guide my work in the Romanian Parliament:

1. Education and Nutrition 2. Culture and Heritage 3. Human Rights 4. Energy Security 5. Child Protection 6. Sexual Rights 
 and Reproductive Rights

No criminals on the ballot paper in local elections

A bill that originally provided for a ban on the participation in elections of all persons convicted of crimes against minors, extended by an amendment to all categories of persons convicted of crimes committed with intent. Adopted by 240 votes to 241, PROMULGED.

Healthy Breakfast instead of “Milk and Bread”

We want to provide Romania's children with diversified and truly nutritious, fresh and tasty products. The transformation of the European Union School Feeding Program, the only school feeding program with national coverage, was adopted by the Senate with 119 votes out of 120. It now goes to a vote in the Chamber of Deputies, where it already has favorable endorsements.

Hot meal at school for all children

Extending and improving a pilot-program essential in decreasing school drop-out and inequality, increasing academic performance and providing better living conditions for children, but also for women, who can achieve more economic independence. Law in force. We are now trying to scale it up all across the country, to all schools.

No criminals on the ballot paper in European Parliament elections

After the enactment of “No criminals on the ballot paper in local elections”, it is only natural that all elections should block convicted persons from holding public office, including MEP. The bill was tabled in the 2022 Autumn session and is now being debated by the relevant committees.


Two separate bills come to the support of employees and entrepreneurs to block the deeply negative effects of GC 16/July 2022, measures that put new burdens on employees and business. The first bill targets part-time employment contracts, while the second focuses on returning the taxation of entrepreneurs, PFAs, royalty contracts, tenants, etc. to previous levels.

3.5% of income tax for libraries

Developing libraries as knowledge hubs and community meeting spaces, with increased funding through redirecting 3.5% of income tax, filling a legislative gap. The bill has passed the Senate, now awaits a vote in the Chamber of Deputies in the first session of 2023.

Fighting human trafficking

Preventing and limiting the risk of cases of exploitation, trafficking in human beings, enslavement or physical or psychological violence in Romania.

National Register of Local Association Agreements

In order to avoid situations of national security risk or possible diplomatic tensions caused by lack of transparency, it is necessary to centralize in a national electronic register all cross-border association, twinning and cooperation agreements concluded between local public administration authorities in Romania and authorities abroad.

Solidarity with Ukraine

Enforcing a temporary embargo on intra-Community imports and purchases of oil, gas, coal and nuclear fuel from the Russian Federation during the unprovoked aggression against Ukraine.

Latest bill for children

Healthy Breakfast in Schools

There is only one national school nutrition program in Romania. "Bread and Milk." Unfortunately it doesn't deliver what it should deliver.

However, it should not be thrown away, especially as it receives European funding. We can improve it and that is why we have submitted this bill.

What is this about?

An upgrade to "Milk and Bread"

With a few changes, this could be the basis of a very nutritious school breakfast: a glass of milk or yoghurt, a croissant or pâté, vitamin-packed fruit. That's what I'm trying, together with my colleague, Andreea Leonte

No convicted offenders on the ballot paper

Until November 2022, persons convicted of offences against minors, like many other categories of persons convicted of intentional offences, were able to stand for and be elected as mayors, local, county and municipal councellors and members of Parliament.

We took action and achieved more success than we had hoped for.

What is this about?

Correcting an absurd and dangerous situation

The bill, drafted and tabled in 2021, originally envisaged banning all persons convicted of offences against minors from participating in any type of local, national or European parliamentary elections.
On the day of the deciding vote, the text of the law was extended, by an amendment, to all categories of persons convicted of any crime committed with intent, then adopted by a large majority, 240 votes out of 241 in favor, in the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making chamber. It was restricted to voting in local elections, with a separate law adopted on the same day being subject to parliamentary elections.
So we have one more goal: no criminals on the ballot paper in the European Parliament elections, a necessary correction for which we have already tabled a new bill.

The latest bill:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

What is this about?

An upgrade to "Bread and Milk"

With a few changes, this could be the basis of a very nutritious school breakfast: a glass of milk or yoghurt, a croissant or pâté, vitamin-packed fruit. That's what I'm trying, together with my colleague, Andreea Leonte

Press Review - Excerpts