
Tag: Interparliamentary Alliance on China

Press Releases

Cătălin Teniță MEP: Democratic world needs joint action to curb China's human rights abuses

Washington DC, 15 septembrie 2022: Guvernul de la Beijing trebuie să se alinieze valorilor afirmate la nivel internațional referitoare la statul de drept și respectarea drepturilor omului, în interiorul și în afara granițelor sale, să respecte sistemul de guvernământ al Taiwanului, dar și aspirațiile democratice ale locuitorilor din Hong Kong, și să permită investigarea internațională a acuzațiilor privind abuzurile din Regiunea Autonomă Xinjiang.


The Chinese government's brutal campaign of persecution against Uyghurs and other minorities must stop! IPAC Statement

The Interparliamentary Alliance for China (IPAC) on new evidence of abuses committed by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) - the Chinese Communist Party structure that is operationalizing genocide against the Uyghur population, calls for trade sanctions against XPCC and its corporate holding companies, as well as Magnitsky sanctions against XPCC and PRC officials responsible for abuses in the Uyghur region.


"We must serve societies." On China's possible invasion of Taiwan in IPAC Prague delegation

The Senate of the Czech Republic hosted today a delegation from the Taiwanese Parliament led by Mr You Si-kun, President of the Taiwanese legislature. I had the honor to participate, as co-chair of IPAC Romania (Interparliamentary Alliance on China), in all the moments of this historic visit, together with French Senator Andre Gattolin, at the invitation of our IPAC colleague, Czech Senator Pavel Fisher (one of the most prominent personalities in Czech politics, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Policy Committee).
